A webinar will be held on July 17 that explores the influence of Latino voters in the upcoming national elections.
Sponsored by Business Wire, the free webinar will examine:
• Will Hispanics be the deciding factor in choosing the president and the makeup of the next Congress?
• How will Latinos vote — as a monolithic block, varied because of social/cultural issues (i.e, President Obama’s statement on supporting gay marriage) or will there be state and regional differences (Florida’s CubanAmerican community vs. Mexican-Americans from California) and what are likely outcomes?
• Equally important how are Congressional and presidential candidates courting Latinos and are their strategies working?
In the end, according to info supplied by Business Wire, “Latino Americans continue to be an important and growing influence on US politics and that will be discussed.”
The speakers are Dr. Federico Subervi, professor and director of the Center for the Study of Latino Media & Markets at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Texas State University-San Marcos, and Gabriel R. Sanchez, Ph.D., associate professor, Department of Political Science, University of New Mexico and Research Director, Latino Decisions.
The moderators are Danny Selnick, VP, Public Policy/LatinoWire Services, Business Wire DC and Pilar Portela, media relations supervisor & LatinoWire Media representative, Business Wire Miami.
The webinar is free for all attendees by registering at the website.