Double Discrimination: Latino and LGBTQ


June is Pride Month, celebrating the increased visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people.

Latino millennials are least likely to identify as traditionally heterosexual compared to other ethnic groups. The survey group, GenFoward also finds that 14-percent of Latinx youth identify as gay,  bisexual or transgender.

Listen to Double Discrimination: Latino & LGBTQ ️‍

Max Cisneros, the Latinx Program Officer of the New Haven Pride Center was my guest on 3 Questions With…in order to provide insights on the #EndTransDetention campaign, the challenges of coming out in a culture as diverse as Latinos, and the double discrimination.

“LGBTQ immigrants who speak Spanish are in a very particular space”, says Cisneros. The double discrimination of being Brown and LGBTQ in this country he explains is how being queer is not accepted at home, and being Brown is not accepted in (U.S.) society. “We have these limited spaces to go where our whole identities, where our whole self is celebrated, affirmed, and heard.”

3 Questions With is a public affairs program elevating the voices and visibility of matters most important to the Hispanic-Latino community by speaking with community and industry thought leaders on topics like civic engagement, education, employment, health care, communication, and social responsibility – among others.

Cisneros is no stranger to the Latino News Network, he was a special guest on CTLN Opinion+ sharing his insights regarding the needs Latinx youth face at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The New Haven Pride Center is a place for education, social and cultural enrichment for the LGBTQ community and its allies. 

Here are a list of resources Cisneros provided:

  • APOYO LATINX: Tendremos una serie de eventos quincenales creados por Max Cisneros, nuestro oficial de Programas Latinx. En este espacio para la comunidad LGBTQ+ Latinx es brindado a ustedes para promover el apoyo mutuo en nuestra comunidad y seguir conectados mientras nos quedamos en casa. Este es un ambiente donde podemos tener conversaciones abiertas y sanas! Para obtener más información, comuníquese con nuestro Oficial de Programas LGBTQ + Latinx Max en – Este grupo se reúne el primer y tercer sábado del mes a las 4:00 p.m. (English and Spanish Speakers Welcome)
  • Aquí con VIH: es un espacio inclusivo para personas que hablan Español y viven con VIH. En este grupo vamos a poder expresar nuestros sentimientos y encontrar apoyo de otras personas con experiencias similares. Vivir con VIH no es fácil y es importante que sepas que no estás solo/sola/soles. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con el Oficial de Programas Latinx Max Cisneros en Este grupo se reúne una vez al mes.
  • #EndTransDetention: Trans people are denied access to their medical needs and are commonly physically and mentally abused by other detainees and ICE officers themselves, in some cases leading to preventable deaths. The campaign is currently supported by a broad coalition of grassroots, national immigrant rights, and LGBTQ+ organizations. Together, we’re uplifting the voices of transgender people who have experienced mental and physical abuse by ICE and, despite all the inflicted trauma, are still thriving, resisting, and fighting for a more just future for themselves and their transgender community. To learn more visit to see the New Haven Pride Center’s virtual event about the national campaign click: (In English)
  • Género y Sexualidad : Gender and Sexuality: En esta conversación, Tamara Nunez Del Prado y Max Cisneros educan sobre asuntos alrededor de género y sexualidad en la comunidad latines. Esta conversación será en Español. ( (In Spanish)
  • Rhiana Ferrera Sanchez es de Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Ella sirve como la Directora de la Asociación de Derechos Humanos Cozumel Trans también ella es la Presidenta del Consejo Consultivo, un órgano asesor del mecanismo nacional para la prevención de VIH. Esta entrevista será moderada por Max Cisneros, Oficial de Programas Latinx del Centro. .Esta conversación será en Español. (
  • Ser Trans Indigena: ¿Cómo se expresa la identidad indígena a través de la experiencia Trans? ¿Cual es el proceso de aferrarse a la herencia indígena mientras también intentamos romper con los roles binarios de género? Particularmente cuando esos mismos roles de género están tan inextricablemente amarrados a las socializaciones derivadas de la ideología religiosa, el estatus de clase y la historia de la colonización. Durante esta conversación, exploramos estas ideas con trans líderes en las comunidades indígenas y trans representando Norte, Centro y Sur Americas. Esta conversación será en Español. (
  • WHO IS LatinX? The categories of race, gender, and sexuality continue to be the site of analysis for many higher education researchers, effectively filling the void of intersectional approaches to student development and learning theory. Yet, we still struggle with terminology that honors Latinx/a/o students’ identities, let alone their intersections with systems of oppression. This presentation will engage in a dialogue about the importance of Latinx/a/o/* students’ identities and labels that have been (mis)used, (mis)interpreted, and have not been fully examined. The goal is to illuminate how the politics of naming social identities can perpetuate structures of power, and work toward transforming higher education through critical naming processes.

Publisher’s Note: Do you have a suggestion for a topic and/or guest for 3 Questions With…? We want to hear from you! Email us at

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