CTLN Opinion+: Sec. of State of CT Denise Merrill and VP of Voter Service of the League of Women Voters Laura Smits


Description of the video: 

We had a conversation with the Secretary of State of Connecticut Denise Merrill and the Vice President of Voter Service of the League of Women Voters Laura Smits about the importance of voting. This election is one of the most crucial elections in our lifetime. 

Secretary Merrill gave our viewers an in depth explanation about the safety precautions taken to protect absentee ballots from tampering. As well as several methods of casting a ballot in Connecticut and the importance of representation in elected officials. 

The final day Connecticut residents can register to vote is Oct. 27. 

The league of women voters has a long history of informing the public about voting rights and registering voters. For the 2020 election Vice President Laura Smits was challenged to inform and register voters in the midst of the pandemic. Smits addresses how she is reaching people and the importance of the latino voter. 

The ladies also address the misinformation about absentee voting and some of the remarks made by the president in regards to in person voting. Lastly, VP Smits and Secretary Merrill comments of the power and influence of the woman voter. This is the 100 year anniversary of the 19th Amendment, the landmark legislation gave women the right to vote and since then it has been a determining factor in the last two presidential elections. 

Resources mentioned in the video:

Voter information:

For information about the League of Women Voters Connecticut.


To request an absentee ballot: 

English Application for Absentee Ballot

Spanish Application for Absentee Ballot

To check on your voter status and to see if your absentee ballot was received by the clerks office: 


How to fill out your absentee ballot:

How to mail in your absentee ballot: (image below) 

This episode is presented by AARP.

AARP has worked tirelessly this year to make sure citizens across Connecticut have access to exercise their right to vote. Assuring that everyone eligible to cast their vote learns how they can vote, where they can vote, and how to do so safely. 

In addition to this episode, AARP has created resources in Spanish in their main portal. 





Publisher’s Note: CTLatinoNews.com (CTLN) partners with AARP-CT in best serving Connecticut’s Hispanic – Latino community

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