CTLN Opinion+: Inclusion in Science Education with Matt Fleury of CT Science Center


Description of the video: 

CTLN Opinion+ is dedicated to opinions and the concerns of Latinos, in our conversation with Matt Fleury, President and CEO of the Connecticut Science Center we discuss the importance of science in 2020 as well as the importance of inclusivity for the future of science. 

Connecticut is a very diverse state with a population of 500,000 Latinos and its scientific community should reflect its population. In the interview, Fleury discusses the importance of racial and gender equity and the steps the Science Center is taking to achieve equity. 

Fleury also goes into detail about the necessity and accessibility for scientific education. The Science Center’s Love Science initiative provides education that is fun and thought provoking for children and adults. The Science Center’s website has interactive games for families and the museum is now open to the public following a long period of closure due to the pandemic. 

On Oct 3., the Science Center will host its annual fundraiser, the Green Gala, and for the first time the event will be held virtually. The gala provides funding for the museum’s exhibitions and education programs. The virtual event will have comedians and musicians all in the name of science.   

Resources mentioned in the video:

After having to close due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Connecticut Science Center made online exhibits and more programs available for teachers, family and children. The museum’s online Discovery Center was adapted for classroom and distanced learning. 

For tickets to the Green Gala, check out the link below. 

The museum connects students with professionals from their corporate partners across the state through a series of virtual panels and discussion rooms to learn more about careers in Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM).

Photo credit: (Nathan Oldham/UConn School of Business)

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