CTLN Opinion+: Back to school with Superintendent of Hartford Public Schools Dr Leslie Torres Rodriguez

Description of the video: 

Connecticut students returned to school on September 9, both in person and remotely. We had the chance to talk to the Superintendent of Hartford Public Schools Dr Leslie Torres Rodriguez about the accommodations the district made for students and teachers. As well as the student food distribution program providing breakfast and lunch during the pandemic and through the school year. We also discussed the resources available for families and the challenges facing the teachers in reaching their students during the pandemic. 

Resources mentioned in the video: 

All school resources are available in Spanish 

Should families choose to attend classes in person, the school district requires parents to fill out the symptom checklist on the health services website prior to attending classes. The form is available in spanish and english. School’s ask guardians to monitor their child’s health daily before attending in person classes.

Hartford Public Schools will resume student meal distributions for online and hybrid learners. The district will provide two meals a day for each child and the location for the pick up locations for the meals is available on the website. 

Hartford Parent University the “one stop center” for parents of other existing/new programs being offered in the Hartford community that provides parents family learning opportunities. 

Resources shared by Ziba: 

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