'Borinqueneers' Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony Updates And Fund Raising For Ceremony


Frank Medina
Special to CTLatinoNews.com
These are exciting times for the Borinqueneers legacy! It does not get any better than this! WEPA! (woo-hoo!)
The following are updates to the Borinqueneers Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony in Washington D.C. Our aim is to ensure EVERYONE that is interested in attending the DC ceremony is informed.
Gold Medal Ceremony Schedule – The Borinqueneers Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony is designated for this coming APRIL 13, 2016 at the Capitol Visitors Center, Washington D.C.. There is currently a congressional resolution waiting protocol approval for this date to be confirmed. You can track the progress of the resolution by clicking here: Borinqueneers CGM Ceremony Resolution It is expected that ceremonial activities will also take place APRIL 12, 2016.
For all information related to the CGM Ceremony, related activities AND before you coordinate for any travel arrangements, please contact the Borinqueneers Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony Committee
Please go to their website to read the latest updates and information on the ceremony details and to also contact them:
www.bcgmceremony.org   www.bcgmceremony.org/contact-us
If the 65th Infantry veteran or family member is a resident of Puerto Rico, it would be preferable for them to call the Veterans Advocate Office of Puerto Rico (La Oficina del Procurador del Veterano de Puerto Rico) at: (787) 758-5760 Ext. 251
We need your help to fundraise for the ceremony! The funds to offset expenses for the 65th Infantry veterans’ travel to DC, medal replica & tribute packages, ceremonial events, and related activities are critically short !! These financial challenges will jeopardize the success of the upcoming medal events/ceremonies. As a result, we have communicated with the ceremony committee to see how can we help and are currently conducting a FULL COURT press to tackle this matter.
Open up your CORAZON (Hearts) and make a tax-deductible charitable donation to provide the Borinqueneers an unparalleled experience in D.C.
If everyone donates at least $10, the contributions will result in a MONUMENTAL impact !!!
Please access the below “GoFundMe” site to make your valuable donation: Borinqueneers Medal Ceremony GoFundMe Site
Borinqueneers Lodging Sponsorship Initiative – In order to help alleviate the travel costs for the Borinqueneers, we are launching a pilot initiative to pair 65th Infantry veterans and families with residents in D.C. and outlying areas nearby that are willing to kindly furnish adequate lodging for the veterans and family members so they can attend the medal ceremony and activities.
If you live in the D.C., Northern Virginia, and Maryland areas relatively close to Capitol Hill, please contact us immediately if you are interested in hosting a Borinqueneer veteran and their family for a couple of nights in your residence so they can attend the ceremony and activities.
Your generosity will yield huge dividends in facilitating our Borinqueneer veterans and family members participate in one of the most historic and landmark events of our nation and our veterans’ history. Please circulate this solicitation to others in your region who may be interested in aiding this initiative.
Please bare with us as we try to solidify this initiative. More detailed information will be revealed.
As an alternative, if you would like assistance in knowing what hotels to reserve in the DC area, please feel free to contact us.
Borinqueneers Registry Form – If you are a living 65th Infantry veteran or a family member, please print, fill out, and mail the Borinqueneers Registry Form ASAP ! La Oficina del Procurador del Veterano de Puerto Rico (Veterans Advocate Office of Puerto Rico) is the proponent organization for this form and will be accepting these forms.
To download the form: Borinqueneers Registry Form
You will need to attach to the form the veteran’s military records reflecting participation with the 65th Infantry Regiment and/or its supporting military units.
The registry form is currently in Spanish but if you need translation OR an English version of the form OR assistance in completing the Borinqueneers Registry For OR have any other general questions/inquiries, please contact us: email: 65thcgm@gmail.com or call: 239-530-8075.
In closing, we will conduct our full diligence to ensure that NO 65th INFANTRY VETERAN WISHING TO ATTEND THE CEREMONY WILL BE LEFT BEHIND!
Anyone currently or formerly in the Armed Forces will wholeheartedly understand this timeless bedrock military principle.
The Borinqueneers Congressional Gold Medal Crusade began because we did not want the Borinqueneers left behind and likewise, the medal ceremony will not violate this most time honored tenet.
I stand in solidarity with anyone that wants to help this most important phase of the mission and we gladly welcome all constructive recommendations/comments.
Editor’s Note: CTLatinoNews.com is proud to work with the Congressinal Gold Medal Alliance as a community partner.

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