A Latina Joins CT Capitol Report TV Show


Maribel La Luz has been selected as the newest member of a roster of commentators that appear on CT Capitol Report hosted by political veteran Tom Dudchik, making her the first Latina political commentator on a talk show in the state.  The Sunday morning talk show features  commentators from both Republicans and Democrats who analyze political happenings in the state during the past week. 
Dudchik, who also is editor of CTCapitol Report, an online news aggregate site that reports on statewide political stories said, “All of us on Capitol Report are excited to have Maribel on our panel this week, and we welcome her to our roster of talented political commentators who each Sunday break down the political news of the week.’
Maribel LaLuz is the first Latina commentator on a talk show in Connecticut.

Adding that, “Maribel’s intimate knowledge of Latino politics will give Capitol Report viewers a unique perspective on the fastest growing voting block in our state and efforts by our state’s politicians to reach those voters.’

La Luz, who attended school in East Hartford  said, “CT Capitol Report drives a lot of discussion and influence. I’m just grateful to be on the show and have the opportunity to discuss issues that I’m passionate about with people that are experienced and well-respected in their fields.
La Luz is the Director of Communications and New Media for the City of Hartford.  Prior to assuming that position, she worked on numerous congressional campaigns,  and is the former Vice President of Communications for the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Washington D.C. based national non – profit that promotes the development of Hispanic enterprise. In that role, she  also was directly responsible for securing 23 new media partnerships for the organization, as well as anchoring and co-producing a nationally syndicated TV series on NBC titled Hispanic Business Today.  Earlier in her career, La Luz managed the Nickelodeon launch of the TV series Go Diego, Go winning a marketing award for Best Direct Response in 2005.
La Luz holds a Master of Arts in Secondary Education, a Marketing Management certification from New York University and a Bachelor of Arts from New School University.
The Emmy nominated CTCapitol Report airs Sunday Morning at 10:30 on FOX Connecticut and is hosted by Tom Dudchik, editor and publisher of CTCapitolReport.com.  La Luz debuts Sunday, January 26th on the program.

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