The Latino community will not be able to erect a monument recognizing the Borinqueneers 65th Infantry Regiment anytime soon. It appears the City does not own the land on the corner of Beaver and Washington Streets.
Alderman Willie Pabon told the New Britain City Journal Tuesday that the state owns that property and the City cannot do anything with it.
“We are having fundraisers and it’s not even our land,” said Pabon. “We put a sign up there and we are lucky if we don’t get arrested.”
The plan was proposed under Former Mayor Tim O’Brien a month before the November election.
“You should double check these things first,” said Mayor Erin Stewart. “That is certainly a disservice to the subset of your community.”
The Borinqueneers 65th Infantry Regiment is the only active duty Latino military regiment in US history. The 65th Infantry fought for the U.S. during World War I, World War II and the Korean War in the 1950s.
The Common Council unanimously signed off on building the monument at the corner of Beaver, LaSalle and Washington streets and Farmington Avenue in October.
O’Brien said that corner would officially be known as the 65th Infantry Regiment Park as of last Veterans Day, Nov. 11, 2013.
“The previous administration scammed our veterans. Not only did he lie, but a resolution was read at the site in the presence of previous mayors and State reps,” said Carmelo Rodriguez, vice president of the Latino Coalition and a veteran. “I hoped that Former Mayor Tim O’Brien would not be capable of lying to the veterans….
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