Young Latina From Meriden Gets Role In Hartford Stage's 'A Christmas Carol"


Celine Cardona, 9, of Meriden will perform in ‘A Christmas Carol’ at Hartford Stage. Phot credit: Dave Zajac / Record-Journal
Nine-year-old Celine Cardona has a passion for the performing arts. In the next few weeks she will take her passion to a much bigger stage, the Hartford Stage.

Celine, a fourth-grade student at Thomas Hooker School in Meriden, will be on stage in front of hundreds of people at Hartford Stage for the production of “A Christmas Carol.” The show is in its 18th year at Hartford Stage.

“I love my character,” said Celine, who plays the spoiled child/ Fred party girl in “A Christmas Carol.” “They give you tips on how to be better.”

For years Miguel and Marissa Cardona, Celine’s parents, watched their daughter’s interest in the performing arts grow. Her father is also an assistant school superintendent in Meriden.

Celine has been involved in a few productions over the years that helped boost her confidence and she also does voiceovers for Nickelodeon cartoon “Dora and Friends: Into the City!” out of New York City with her 11-year-old brother Miguel Cardona.

Marissa Cardona said when the opportunity came up for auditions with Hartford Stage, she knew her daughter would love…

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