WNPR: A Connecticut Conversation On Race After Trayvon Martin

Rev. Henry Brown (Courtesy WNPR)
Where We Live – WNPR

John Dankosky hosted a discussion on the role of race during and after the Trayvon Martin trialm on WNPR’s Where We Live segment. Guests included Marilyn Alverio, of Ethnic Marketing Solutions and founder of Hartford’s Latinas & Power Symposium, Rev. Henry Brown, Adrienne Cochrane and Lt. Brian Foley. 

You can’t turn on the TV news or check your Facebook page without encountering a conversation about the complicated tangle of race, guns and the law in the George Zimmerman case.

Is the death of Trayvon Martin, as one of our guests today has said, “The black community’s Newtown?” Is it just a high-profile example of something that happens too often in America, a young black man dying from a gunshot?

Listen to the full audio here.

Samaia Hernandez, Catie Talarski and Tucker Ives contributed to this report.

WNPR is a media partner of CTLatinoNews.com.

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