Wallingford Organizations Partner To Provide Bilingual Support For Mental Health

Wallingford Organizations Partner To Provide Bilingual Support For Mental Health
Lau Guzmán, Record-Journal

WALLINGFORD – The Spanish Community of Wallingford and the town’s Youth and Social Services department are teaming up this month to address mental health needs in the community by hosting a bilingual stress support group for youth and a bilingual workshop on understanding addiction for adults. 

Youth and Social Services Director Amanda Miranda said both workshops stem from a growing need to address mental health. She said her office is taking calls from people looking for help with addiction and mental health counseling. Because of this, she described the programs at SCOW as a way to “go where the people are” and provide effective programs.

“It’s a stressful time for anybody and there’s ways of coping and some ways of coping aren’t necessarily the most healthy way,” she said. “Mental health is a big, big topic right now. And we want to get our resources out there.”

Read the full story by the Record-Journal’s Latino Communities Lab at:


Publisher’s Note: CT Latino News partners with the Latino Communities Reporting Lab in best serving the Hispanic-Latino communities of Connecticut.

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