View of Political Parties Continues To Wane


The news for the Republican Party just keeps getting worse. A new Pew poll underscores by just how much public confidence has waned in the GOP.
LatinaLista, a media partner with CTLatinoNews, reports, “According to the poll: 62% of the public says the GOP is out of touch with the American people, 56% think it is not open to change and 52% say the party is too extreme.
“In contrast, numbers for the Democratic Party are more favorable. Only 46 percent think Democrats are out of touch with the American people, and 58 percent feel they are open to change.”
The story also notes, “Interestingly, the one area where the GOP outdid the Democrats was in having ‘Strong Principles.’ Republicans garnered 63 percent versus 57 percent for Democrats. Though the poll doesn’t say it, common sense points to people thinking of the Tea Party and the financial cliffs that the GOP Tea Party House members have dragged the American people to the brink of in viewing the Republican Party as one with strong principles.”
But the news is not great for either party. As the Pew Poll reports, “The Republican Party’s overall image stands at one of the lowest points in nearly two decades. And, while impressions of the Democratic Party are much stronger, they are far below where they were four years ago.”
The poll also found, In January, 33% of the public had a favorable view of the GOP, compared with 58% who held an unfavorable impression of the party. Among Republicans themselves, 69% had a favorable impression, down from a recent high of 89% reported after the GOP convention. Majorities of both Democrats and independents viewed the Republican Party unfavorably (83% and 58%, respectively).
Views of the Democratic Party were evenly divided in January: 47% favorable, 46% unfavorable. Among Democrats, 87% had a favorable impression of their party while roughly the same percentage of Republicans held an unfavorable view (84%). Independents, on balance, had more unfavorable impressions of the Democratic Party (52%) than favorable ones (37%).

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