US Chamber of Commerce Seeks Immigration Reform

U.S. Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Thomas J. Donohue recently unveiled the 2013 American Jobs and Growth Agenda, which would reform immigration and visa policies and generate economic growth by producing more U.S. based energy, expand tradeand modernize the regulatory system.
“The imperative of economic growth should not be an afterthought. It must be job one,” Donohue said in a statement. “As a nation and a people, we must finally face up to the single biggest threat to our economic future—and that is our exploding national debt, driven by runaway deficit spending, changing demographics, and unsustainable entitlements.  Congress and the administration must focus their attention on this critical priority. Economic growth cannot solve all of our problems, but without growth, we will not be able to solve any of them.”
The agenda puts emphasis on the fiscal crisis by slowing spending growth, making reforms to entitlement programs, and revamping the tax code.
The U.S. Chamber’s 2013 American Jobs and Growth Agenda:

  •     Reform our immigration and visa policies
  •     Produce more American energy
  •     Expand American trade
  •     Modernize our regulatory system
  •     Address the fiscal crisis with a bold plan that slows the growth of runaway spending.


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