Travel Industry Hones in on Hispanics


The American travel industry has set its sights on Hispanics. Airlines like Southwest, American, and Continental have decided it just makes sense to key into Latino travel dollars, which are often spent traveling to visit relatives around the world, Reach Hispanic reported.
According to data from the Interactive Advertising Bureau, Hispanic mothers are more likely to book a trip than the general market, at 27 percent versus 24 percent. Because of the trend, the American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) and the National Tourism Association (NTA)  have honed in on the Hispanic travel market in the U.S. 
The State of the Hispanic Consumer: Hispanic Market Imperative  Nielsen report from April of 2012 found that Hispanics are the fastest growing ethnic segment, growing 167 percent from 2010 to 2050, compared to just 42 percent growth of the total population. The report also predicts a jump from $1.3 trillion in Hispanic purchasing power in 2012 to $1.5 trillion in 2015.
As the country’s travel industry fights its way back, executives are harnessing all of their resources to stimulate growth.
Victor Owens, VP and general manager of North America, said his company has made a “concentrated effort” to connect with the Hispanic market, namely by becoming the first and only hotel booking site to have a Spanish language site.
The increasing Hispanic spending power in the United States represents a significant opportunity for the rebounding U.S. travel industry,” the report said. ” This highlights the growth of interest within the travel industry; marketers want to continue fostering the relationship they have with this important U.S. demographic.”
(Photo by swimparallel via Flickr)

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