The "Rising Latino Tide" in Connecticut Magazine is featured in the May issue of the well-known Connecticut Magazine.  “Connecticut Latinos Gaining Influence in Politics, Media and Economics”, written by Alan Bisbort, highlights the different aspects of  what he describes as part of “the rising Latino tide” in Connecticut.
The article, which cites several researchers, explores the vast diversity of Latinos in our state, and the role plays in reaching the growing segment of English speaking Latinos, as well as non-Latinos.
Publisher Diane Alverio is quoted on why was created. She said, “Media shapes values and attitudes. We are simply offering a broader base of information, filling a need that no one else was filling.”
She adds that the new technologies that have evolved over the years now allows to circumvent the boundaries of what once seemed insurmountable in the news industry, with a small staff and a team of about 15 freelance writers who cover local issues around the state, writing in-depth stories and columns.”
The article also explores the effect that the growing Latino population has had on cities and towns statewide, as well as the significance of  Carmen E. Espinosa’s nomination to the Connecticut Supreme Court.
Read the full article here.

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