Ten Latinos Who Will Influence 2012 Election

U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis
The list of the 10 most influential Latinos with respect to the 2012 presidential election is surprising in that it includes Republicans as well as celebrities who may not be associated with political influence.
According to Poder360.com, the leading influential Latinos on the Democrat side are: Jorge Ramos, Eva Longoria, Hilda Solis, Julián Castro and Antonio Villaraigosa. On the Republican side, the most influential Latinos are: Susana Martinez, Brian Sandoval, Alex Castellanos, Marco Rubio and Lionel Sosa.
Here is some of what Poder360.com had to say about each of the 10 influential Latinos:
Jorge Ramos:As the most popular Latino newscaster in the country, Ramos is where many Hispanics get their news, so his influence is enormous.”
Eva Longoria: “In a recent article she penned in The Hollywood Reporter, she blasted Mitt Romney for ‘being on the wrong side of every issue that pertains to Latinos.'”
Hilda Solis: “Solis’ critical role for Latinos is evidenced by one fact: she’s the first Hispanic woman to serve as a cabinet member.”
Julián Castro: “Only 37, [San Antonio Mayor] Castro is making his voice heard in national politics as a key Latino spokesman for the Obama campaign.”
Antonio Villaraigosa: He plays a prominent role as co-chair of the Democratic National Convention coming to Tampa in September. He is also mayor of Los Angeles.
Susana Martinez:She’s Hispanic, female and a Republican in a swing state. What’s more, she’s the first Latina governor (New Mexico) in history.”
Brian Sandoval: “Brian Sandoval, the Republican governor of Nevada, has a tough task: he’s a key figure in Republicans’ efforts to overcome the negative image many Hispanics have of the party.”
Alex Castellanos: “Republican strategist Alex Castellanos got national attention when he sparred with MSNBC’s liberal-leaning Rachel Maddow on Meet the Press over whether women make more money than men.”
Marco Rubio: “Rubio has been successful with voters in his home state (of Florida where he is the junior U.S. Senator). The big question is whether his appeal can extend beyond Florida.”
Lionel Sosa: “Sosa has been a media strategist on the Hispanic vote for seven GOP presidential campaigns before this one, but recent comments show he’s frustrated with the party’s tough stance on illegal immigration.”

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