Study Shows Majority of Latinos Opt for Community Colleges


For young adults trying to break into today’s job market, a college degree is becoming increasingly important. In order to find an occupation that pays well, a high school education often doesn’t make the cut, according to Latina Lista.
A recent study by Exellencia in Education revealed that 51 percent of Latino students who chose to go to college enroll in local community colleges in an attempt to further their job prospects. Although a high number of Latinos choose community colleges, the Pew Research Center reported that the number of Latino students who enrolled in college in 2012 was two percent higher than the number of white students.
Thanks to the convenience of community colleges, students can live at home and continue to work a full time job while attending school. Experts believe that Latino students begin their college education at these institutions but don’t finish because, in low-income areas, family and financial obligations often surpass educational aspirations.
Single Stop is a nonprofit organization that stresses the importance of embracing the community in order to keep students enrolled in college. By providing students with access to legal, financial, and tax services, Single Stop does everything possible to keep students in college.
“By providing students on-campus access to public benefits like food stamps or public health insurance, financial advice, legal services, and free tax preparation, Single Stop connects them with thousands of dollars worth of benefits and community services,” Single Stop told Latina Lista. “Research indicates that targeted financial interventions of this size can keep students in school from semester-to semester.”
Experts hope that by catering to the needs of the student, while addressing their financial as well as emotional stability, Latino students will be able to stay enrolled in academic programs, obtain a degree and ultimately find a well-paying job after graduation.
(Photo by bredgur via Flickr)

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