Study Reports: Alarming Number of Hispanic Teens Are Abusing Drugs

According to the most recent data from the Partnership Attitude Tracking Study sponsored by the MetLife Foundation, Hispanic teen drug use is at an alarming 54 percent.  The study indicates that self-reporting found that it was the highest level use of illicit drugs of any ethnicity in the U.S., with more than half of those surveyed engaging in substance abuse, compared to 45 percent of African-American teens and 43 percent of non-Hispanic white teens.
According to a report in, researchers said Hispanic teen drug use is most prevalent among children in grades 9 through 12. The report also said among this age group, Hispanics see illicit drugs as less of a concern than teenagers of other ethnicities.
Much of reasons behind Hispanic teen drug use, the study reports, is related to a higher exposure in the community and a more permissive parenting outlook regarding illicit drug use.
PATS revealed that while 85 percent of Hispanic parents knew Hispanic teen drug use early in life increased the risk for adult substance abuse problems, as many as 21 percent felt marijuana use was “OK sometimes,” and 28 percent of Hispanic parents felt abusing prescription drugs was safer than abusing street drugs.
“They see drug use among their peers and in their community, and the messages they are not getting from their parents — these all may be contributing to this feeling that drug use is normal,” Sean Clarkin, director of strategy and programs at The Partnership at, told HealthDay News.
The study’s findings include:
•47 percent of Hispanics teens have used marijuana, compared to 39 percent of African-American teens and 36 percent for non-Hispanic white teens.
•13 percent of Hispanic teens have used Ecstasy, compared to 8 percent of African-American teens and 6 percent of non-Hispanic white teens.
•13 percent of Hispanic teens have tried cocaine, compared to 8 percent of African-American teens and 3 percent of non-Hispanic white teens.
•62 percent of Hispanic teens indicated alcohol use, compared to 50 percent of African-American teens and 59 percent of non-Hispanic white teens.
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