Study Finds Hispanics More Engaged With Cell Phones Than Whites



Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Latinos use their mobile phones for everything from texting to video chat to listening to music and much more. Phones have become a multi-use device for Latinos, much more so than for whites.
A study put together by the Pew Internet Center examined how adult cell phone users are using their devices, and what activities they are used for. The study broke down the data across a variety of demographics, but of most interest are the differences between how Hispanics use their devices from other racial groups. Like black mobile users, Hispanics tend to use their devices for a number of tasks, while white users tend to be less engaged with their mobile devices.
In general, 81% of cell phone users use their devices to send or receive text messages; 60% of users use these devices to access the Internet. About half of the user population uses their devices for sending or receiving email, downloading apps, accessing directions, recommendations, or “other location-based information,” and to listen to music. Only 21% of the population uses their phones for video calls/video chat, and a meager 8% uses their devices for “checking in” or to share their location with others.
All of the aforementioned statistics have been on the rise since they were first measured, except for geo-social activities such as checking in through programs like foursquare – this has been on a decline after it peaked in 2012.
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