Should Latinos Think About Being A Stay-at-Home Dads?

The stay-at-home dad is becoming increasingly prevalent these days. As fathers/husbands/partners make the decision to put their professional careers on hold to become the primary caregivers to their children, we admit it—we’re doing a happy dance. Why? Because it frees women up to follow their passion and do their thing outside of the home more than ever and ultimately, that’s a wonderful thing.
Now, what is a stay-at-home dad exactly? Well, according to the National At-Home Dad Network it’s, “Any father who is the regular primary caregiver of his children, usually while his partner works outside the home as the family’s main breadwinner. Also called a “stay-at-home dad” (SAHD) or “work-at-home dad” (WAHD).” This trend is catching on across the country, but is it catching on in the Latino Community? Not as much as we would hope. Here are 15 reasons why Latinas should think about letting their baby-daddy be stay-at-home father.
1. He learns to cook! Even if Dad’s culinary skills weren’t so hot when he was a bachelor, being a stay-at-home dad changes all that. He’s preparing healthy breakfasts, packing nutritious lunches and cooking dinner for the whole family. That takes some skills!

2. He learns “new math.” Because a stay-at-home dad is helping with homework, science projects and the like, he’s kept up to date on changing learning styles, curriculum and technology. So he’s better prepared to help his kids with their studies, and advocate for them to their teachers if something isn’t working.

3. He’s attuned to trends. A stay-at-home dad, especially if he’s a parent to tweens or teens, will have a much better sense of what his kids like, and which musicians, television shows and

 To read all 15 reasons:

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