Some high-profile liberals in the media aren’t satisfied with the fact that most Hispanics—about two-thirds, according to voter surveys—are registered Democrats. The lefties have to go for broke and try to make the very word “Hispanic” synonymous with “Democrat,” which would mean that only Hispanic Democrats are genuine Hispanics.
I learned all this from watching Chris Matthews, host of MSNBC’s Hardball, who seems to believe that all the crazy talk in this election should not come just from the presidential candidates. Last week, while discussing the Republican primary debate in Milwaukee, Matthews tried to offer first-class commentary about a jab that Sen. Ted Cruz took at Sen. Marco Rubio and wound up sounding like English was his second language.
“So you’re trying to insinuate that Marco Rubio, a fellow, uh, Spanish surname, I’m not sure the right word is ‘Hispanic’ for them. Because they are Cuban nationals or whatever, or come from Cuba. But, uh, is he going to insinuate that he is still basically for what he calls amnesty?”
Did you catch the offensive part: “I’m not sure the right word is ‘Hispanic’ for them. Because they are Cuban nationals or whatever, or come from Cuba.”
Matthews is “not sure” that Cruz and Rubio should be referred to as Hispanic? Does that mean that he’s not sure that these two 2016 GOP presidential candidates—both of whom are on the upswing at the moment—really are Hispanic?
I’m not sure who died and made the MSNBC host the sacred arbitrator of who’s authentically Hispanic and who isn’t.
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