Rep. Ed Vargas Named to "Honor Roll" of Labor Organization

Rep. Edwin Vargas and the Hartford area Central Labor Council’s Executive Vice President Clarke King

State Rep. Edwin Vargas ( D- Hartford ) was recently recognized by the Central Labor Council, Hartford area to be admitted to the honor roll of the organization.  The president of the Greater Hartford Central Labor Council, Peggy Buchanan, said of the recognition, ” The honor is given annually to outstanding leaders who have made a difference in the labor movement of Hartford.”

Rep. Vargas was recognized for his role as council president for two consecutive terms, for his community activism and dedication to improving the lives of families in Hartford.  “The leadership and commitment that Edwin Vargas has demonstrated through his work, whether as a labor leader, community or state representative is an inspiration to the entire labor movement , ” Buchanan said.
Rep. Vargas who also also served as president of the Hartford Federation of Teachers and Vice President of AFT Connecticut said, “I deeply appreciate this recognition from the labor council. I ‘m sure the council will continue to work to improve the lives of working families and so far has done. ”
The Central Labor Council Hartford area, AFL -CIO represents more than 25,000 members in 70 unions in north central Connecticut. The mission of the council is to improve the lives of working families – to bring economic justice to the workplace and social justice to our state and nation.

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