Paul Ryan Uses Derogatory Term During Immigration Reform Speech


A video of Rep. Paul Ryan using the slur “anchor babies” during a recent town hall meeting has surfaced, Think Progress reported. 
According to Huff Post Latino, Ryan used the term while answering questions about his take on comprehensive immigration reform.
He reportedly said:

“To the anchor baby issue — they call it anchor babies — which is when a person comes, has a child here. If you’re born here, you’re a naturalized citizen. You have to change the Constitution… But it’s really treating a symptom, right? People are coming across the border illegally or overstaying their visas. And therefore illegal immigration is fairly easy, and then people are having what’s called anchor babies.”

The report said the term is “commonly used among nativist groups and it’s viewed as a slur.”
The American Heritage Dictionary has classified the term as “offensive” and “disparaging” to children born to parents who are not citizens.
“The slur particularly grates on on Latino ears,” the report goes on the say, with approximately 80 percent of undocumented immigrants coming from Latin America.
Despite the faux pas, Ryan recently stepped out with Chicago Democratic Rep. Luis Gutierrez to promote immigration reform, a report from Real Clear Politics said.
(Photo by Gage Skidmore via Flickr)

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