There comes a moment in one’s life when you must stand up for what is right and walk away from what is wrong. Last night was one of those moments.
Last night, I chose not to accept the nomination of the Democratic Town Committee because I am in this race for the people of Hartford and not the politics.
I will not stand by and let outsiders try to buy their way into office and take control of our city.
It would be an abomination for us to let political influence determine the character of Hartford that would be represented by someone who has never held political office nor advocated on behalf of the City of Hartford.
We will let the people decide and not a few political insiders trying to stack the deck in their favor.
Too much is at stake to hand over the reins to an outsider who has absolutely no experience to be Mayor and no real relationship with the people here.
Our campaign and the great people of Hartford will do everything to ensure the people’s victory on Sept. 16.
This election has always been about the people of Hartford.
Today, I walk with you.
Mayor Pedro E. Segarra, is seeking a third term as mayor of Hartford, CT
Mayor Pedro Segarra