Obamacare Creating A Digital Divide With Spanish Speakers


California’s Silicon Valley has much in common with Coral Gables and other South Florida neighborhoods.
On one side are the elegant homes and offices of the high-salaried. On the other, the quarters of largely Hispanic gardeners, nannies and other service staff, who the Affordable Care Act was meant to help.
With typical salaries from  $5 to $15 an hour and a lesser likelihood of owning or using a computer, this group has largely been left out of the first wave of Obamacare coverage, Kaiser Health News reports.
“In part, the lag in sign-ups among Spanish speakers reflects a digital – and a cultural – divide. Many are hesitant about handing over personal information to strangers over the Internet,” writes KHN.
The lag exists in California despite the fact that the state has had a functioning Spanish-language website since Oct. 1. In Florida and 35 other states that rely on the federally run insurance exchanges, Hispanics couldn’t enroll in CuidadoDeSalud.gov – the Spanish-friendly version of the federal marketplace – until Dec. 6, more than two months after its English counterpart, HealthCare.gov, launched on Oct. 1, reports KHN.
Read full story: http://latinotimes.com/latinos/1036563-spanish-speakers-lag-in-obamacare-enrollments.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter

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