New Census Figures Indicate Hispanics To Double In Number by 2044


Photo: Christian
New population projections based on the U.S. Census Bureau show whites will become a minority by 2044.
America will be a nation with a youthful, growing minority population juxtaposed against an aging, slow-growing and soon to be declining white population.
The new projections from U.S. Census Bureau figures shows two trends for America’s population — a long-term decline for the nation’s white population, making up just 49.7 percent of the population by 2044, and a growth of new minorities — Asians, Latinos and multiracial persons. The populations among the rapidly-growing Latinos, Asians and multiracial populations are all expected to double in size over the next 30 years. Specifically, the rise of Latinos is projected to make up 25.1 percent of the U.S. population in 2044, doubling African-Americans.
“The pace of U.S. population growth is slowing, and the population continues to become more diverse,” Kenneth Johnson, senior demographer at the University of New Hampshire’s Carsey School of Public Policy, told Al Jazeera America. “This will produce a rich tapestry of demographic change in the U.S. over the next several decades.”
The other emerging trend is the aging of the white demographic, which by 2060 will make up just 44 percent of the population, of which 55 percent will be 65 years and older. By 2027, more than half of America’s 20-somethings will be racial minorities, and in the 2028 presidential election, 40 percent of all eligible voters will be racial minorities.

The population changes are being brought about by the higher birth rates among minority populations, mixed households and more interracial marriages. Against those trends are the declining growth rates and rapid aging of the white population, the result of both lower birth rates among younger white Americans, and the advancing age of the…….

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