New Baby Food Flavors Target Hispanics

Hispanic moms who leave the baby food aisle feeling uninspired need to look no further. Coming this June, 22 new baby food flavors, influenced by Latino dishes, will be hitting the shelves in stores across the country.
According to NBC Latino, Goya, known for their beans and hot sauce, and Beech-Nut have joined forces to create traditional choices for their Latino customers.
President of Goya Foods Bob Unanue told Hispanic Business that the new flavors combine “the best of both worlds” by uniting healthy and traditional baby food with parents’ need for convenience.
“Hispanic moms, influenced by their abuelitas, oftentimes believe that healthy, traditional baby food can only be made at home using fresh ingredients,” he said.
Beech-Nut President Jeff Boutelle said the collaboration made sense since one-fourth of births in the U.S. are to Hispanics. The company needed to adapt to its consumers needs and tastes, he explained.
Boutelle added, “Because Hispanic families are also larger than non-Hispanic families, their purchase of baby food is 15 percent higher than for other demographics.”
A report from Beech-Nut showed two-thirds of Hispanic mothers were not satisfied with the current selection of baby food and desired more traditional flavors to choose from.
Flavors include beef and chicken with broth, oatmeal/bananas and rice/mango cereals, guava, mango, and rice pudding.
(Photo courtesy of Goya)

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