Lawsuit Claims Christina Ayala Intoxicated at Time of Crash


Legal troubles continue to mount for state Rep. Christina Ayala (D-Bridgeport) with the news that a lawsuit has been filed against her and her father claiming she was intoxicated when she crashed into another car and then fled the scene last August.
The lawsuit, filed in state Superior Court in Bridgeport Monday by crash victim Krystal Velez, also names Ayala’s father, Alberto “Tito” Ayala, for allegedly allowing his daughter to drink alcohol at his restaurant before she drove, according to the CT Post.
Christina Ayala is scheduled to be in court Tuesday, the Post reported, for a pretrial conference on her criminal charges in the crash. She is charged with evading responsibility, failure to obey a traffic signal and failure to renew her vehicle’s registration.
The lawsuit claims that Ayala crashed into Velez “as a direct result of her intoxication.” As a result of the crash, the suit states, Velez suffered a concussion and back injuries that have already caused her $10,734.15 in expenses for medical care. Police did not do alcohol testing on Ayala after the crash because she did not appear intoxicated, the Post said.
According to the Post, “The suit against the senior Ayala and his Beechwood Avenue restaurant is being filed under the so-called Dram Shop Act, which holds that bars and bar owners are responsible for injuries caused by someone who becomes intoxicated at their establishments.”

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