Latinos Students – College Scholarships For You


Let’s face it. We live in a world where future job placement and success hangs on a student’s ability to receive not only a college degree, but a Master’s degree as well. Do not fret. has found scholarships that can help Latinos succeed.
Beautiful Minds Scholarship
The Beautiful Minds Scholarship is a $1000 award available to minority graduating high school seniors who are attending school in the United States and planning to enroll in a regionally accredited post-secondary institution. Eligibility requirements include:

  • a high school G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher (must submit an official transcript for verification)
  • an anticipated graduation dated at the time of application submission
  • must show proof of acceptance to a regionally accredited post-secondary institution
  • a submitted essay on the topic “Finding My Purpose”
  • a letter of recommendation from a high school teacher or administrator

Information is available at its website. Application deadline is March 31.
First Things First Scholarship
The First Things First Scholarship is a $1000 award available to graduating high school seniors who will be the first in their immediate family to attend college and are attending school in the United States and planning to enroll in a regionally accredited post-secondary institution. Eligibility requirements include:

  • a high school G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher (must submit an official transcript for verification)
  • an anticipated graduation dated at the time of application submission
  • must show proof of acceptance to a regionally accredited post-secondary institution
  • a submitted essay on the topic “Education as a tool for success”
  • a letter of recommendation from a high school teacher or administrator (letter must verify first generation status)

Information is available at its website. Application deadline is March 31.
Puerto Rican Latin America Cultural Center
The PRLACC Scholarship Award was established to honor UConn students who have advanced the role and contributions of Latinos in society. Award recipients must demonstrate involvement with and commitment to Latino issues through academic excellence, leadership, and service to the UConn community.
Go to the website for more information and an application. Deadline is April 5.
Society of Professional Hispanic Engineers
Society of Professional Hispanic Engineers Foundation Scholarship Program is designed to enhance and achieve the potential of Latino students pursuing degrees in engineering, math and science.
Go to its website to apply. Applications must be postmarked by May 1.
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Scholarship
The Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Scholarship is offered to Latino students in the United States who have a history of performing public service-oriented activities in their communities and who demonstrate a desire to continue their civic engagement in the future.
CHCI scholarships provide recipients with a one time scholarship of:

  • $1,000 to pursue an associate degree
  • $2,500 to pursue an undergraduate degree
  • $5,000 to pursue graduate-level study

Scholarship awards are intended to provide assistance with tuition, room and board, textbooks, and other educational expenses associated with college enrollment.
Go to its website to apply.
CT Association of Latinos in Higher Education
The Connecticut Association of Latinos in Higher Education is currently accepting applications for their 2013-2014 competitive scholarships. Go to their website to apply.
Application must be postmarked by: April 15, 2013. Last year 17 scholarships were awarded.
Send completed applications to:
Dr. Wilson Luna
Gateway Community College
20 Church Street
New Haven, CT 06510
National Society of Hispanic MBAs
The National Society of Hispanic MBAs offers two scholarship programs to assist qualified Hispanics to pursue MBAs; the NSHMBA Foundation Scholarship Program and the University Partner Scholarships Program.  The NSHMBA Scholarship Program provide an opportunity for full-time and part-time MBA students to study at an accredited AACSB institution with scholarships, assistant ships, and fellowships.
Application deadline is April 30. Applications available on its website.
Promesa Scholarship
The Promesa Scholarship Award is from the Latino and Puerto Rican Affairs Commission. Several scholarships to be awarded of at least $1000 per student. Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Please highlight your current community work.
  • Be of Latino Heritage
  • Be a Connecticut Resident
  • Have at least a 2.80 GPA
  • Be a HS Senior or College student

Submit an essay no longer than 1500 words on the following topics:
1) What are your future endeavors after college in order to contribute to the
Hispanic community? OR
2) Name one or more leaders in the Hispanic Community at the local or national level that have contributed to the cultural, social, economic and political life in the United States
3) College acceptance letter & High School transcripts are required with application FOR HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS ONLY.
Name three (3) people that you admire and why
Name all the organizations and/or boards you have belonged to and community work that you have done in the past.
Please submit 2 letters of recommendation – One from a teacher and one from your Guidance Counselor.
More information is available at the commission’s website.
Latino and Puerto Rican Affairs Commission and Bank of America
The Latino and Puerto Rican Affairs Commission (LPRAC) staff and Bank of America are in the process of promoting two major scholarships sponsored by Bank of America’s previously awarded funding. There are two scholarships of $4,017.30 each to be awarded. In exchange, the bank requires that the selected student comply with the following stipulations:
1. The student must be a senior in high school;
2. The student must have a high GPA (Grade Point Average) of 3.0 or above;
3. The student must agree to do an internship within the Consumer Banking Division at Bank of America during the summer of 2013;
4. The student must agree to receive half of the $4,017.30 initially with the other half being awarded once they have complied with all the criteria the bank has stipulated herein;
5. The student must have an interest in the financial field; and
6. The student must be a US citizen or legal resident alien at the time of award.
If you feel that you qualify for one of these two scholarships after having reviewed the above stipulations and realizing you comply with every one of them, go to the commission’s website for an application and return it to the Latino and Puerto Rican Affairs Commission by Friday, June 21, 2013 at 5:00 pm.
United State Hispanic Leadership Institute
The Dr. Juan Andrade Scholarship for Young Hispanic Leaders was established by the USHLI Board of Directors in 1994.The $1,000 scholarship is presented at the USHLI national conference held annually in Chicago. To qualify, applicants must be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a full-time student in a four-year institution in the U.S. or U.S. territories, and demonstrate a verifiable need for financial support. At least one parent must be of Hispanic ancestry. Recipients must be able to attend the USHLI national conference. The number of scholarships awarded varies from year to year.
Application due Nov. 1 and is available at the institute’s website.