Latinos Pushing for More Oscar Academy Members


When Oscar winners thank “The Academy”, a very small number of Latinos are on the receiving end of the acknowledgment. Those responsible for voting for the Oscars are 94 percent white, 77 percent male, two percent African-American and even less are Latino, a 2012 Los Angeles Times investigation found.
Latinos have been pushing for more representation in the Academy since the revelation.
The lack of diversity in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences had led to some significant oversights, Colorlines reported. Most recently, Mexican actress Lupe Ontiveros was left out of the ceremony’s “In Memoriam” reel.
The National Latino Media Council has been in talks with the Academy to address how to increase Latino membership. The meeting followed an “outcry from the Latino community” after Ontiveros was overlooked in the memorial tribute.
Retired Congressman Esteban Torres, NLMC Chairman, said the discussion was “very positive”.
“We believe that the Academy representatives are earnest in working with us to address our diversity concerns,” he said.
Academy President Hawk Koch and CEO Dawn Hudson said the Academy is constantly encouraging new filmmakers and supporting Latino artists.
The NLMC plans to build a list of qualified Latinos in the U.S. to be reviewed by the Academy as potential members and begin to level the playing field.
(Photo by cliff1066 via Flickr)

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