Latinos High School Graduation Rates Improving – In CT Nearly 75% Graduate


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There were significant gains in Latino high school graduation rates as the nation’s rate hits a record high for the fourth year in a row.
The national graduation rate for Hispanic students increased from 71 percent in the 2010-2011 school year to 76.3 in 2013-2014, a more than 5-point gain over a three-year period.
In Texas, 84.2 percent of Latino high school students graduated in 2013-2014; in California the number was 77 percent.
At the national level other student groups such as Asian/Pacific Islanders and Blacks also saw gains; from 87 to 89.4 percent and from 67 to 72.5 percent, respectively.
There were also improvements among English Learners, from a 57 percent graduation rate in 2010-2011 to 62.6 percent three years later.

State by state numbers are available here.
To read full story: Latinos See Gains in High School Graduation Rates – NBC News