Latinos Don't See Food Marketing as Bad for Their Kids


Latino parents believe more than white parents that their children see more food advertising and are affected by it, according to a new report from Yale’s Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity.
The report also found that Latino parents perceived more obstacles to finding healthy eating habits for their children, and more strongly support policies that promote healthy eating habits and limit food marketing, according to a recent article on
Researchers took an online survey of more than 2,000 parents of children and teens between the ages 2 and 17 from 2009 to 2011, including parents who decide on what food and beverages are consumed by the household.
Latino parents in the study said food companies advertising did not impact their children’s eating habits more negatively. Companies including McDonald’s and Coca-Cola invest large amounts of money marketing to Hispanic youth and programs to support Hispanic communities. These programs may be successfully deflecting blame for obesity away from the companies, according to the report.
“The food industry has responded to parents concerns about food marketing with self-regulatory pledges that have produced only small changes,” said Jennifer Harris, director of marketing initiatives at the Rudd Center. “Parents are becoming more aware of food marketing and they want to start seeing real improvements.”
The study also found that parents are just as concerned about companies promoting unhealthy foods to children as they are about alcohol and tobacco.
Flickr photo © Kevin Dooley