Latino News Network to participate in Advancing Democracy initiative


The Solutions Journalism Network (SJN) announced this week the launch of the Advancing Democracy project with eight reporting projects in 10 newsrooms across the United States. The Latino News Network (LNN) is among the newsrooms chosen from the invitation-only application.

Each newsroom will consider local problems related to the democratic process, as well as ways those problems are being addressed.

This builds on SJN’s work with 100 newsrooms over the past three years to catalyze and support journalism that explains the machinery of democracy — how it works, and how it can work better. A big focus of that reporting has been efforts to better educate, motivate, and enfranchise voters.

“We are elated to have been elected to participate”, said Hugo Balta, Owner/Publisher of LNN. “A well-informed electorate is essential to democracy. There’s a battle over new districts happening this fall. It’s imperative that Hispanics-Latinos understand the often closed-door process in order to demand fair and representative maps.”

LNN oversees five independent local news and information websites with a statewide coverage, Hispanic-Latino editorial focus. This month the news network expanded to four states in New England with and for the first time to the Midwest with

SUGGESTIONLatino News Network Expands Local Coverage to Two New States

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