Latino Marketing Views that Need to Die

Marketing professional would do themselves a favor by ignoring traditional stereotypes attached to Latino consumers.
According to one blogger on Hispanic trends, “Old stereotypes of Hispanic blue collar workers need to die.”Some of the more damaging and untrue stereotypes on Latinos for marketers include:

  • Hispanics don’t read – Latinos read quality content not what is currently being served in print media. Most people in Latin America read more than one daily newspaper. According to an independent reporting agency, the largest demographic of readers of the Houston Business Journal is Hispanics. To reach Hispanics in print, size matters as well as the content.
  • They are all alike because they speak Spanish – Twenty-four countries speak Spanish, and each has a different culture. Whether marketing professionals should advertise frijoles or habichuelas depends on the marketing reach. Countries have different ways to describe the same product. Sexy Latinas universally get noticed in Latino markets and often overshadow the message or product. Modern Latinos are an educated middle-class with a purchasing power of more than $1 trillion a year.
  • Hispanics are cheap – Many startup businesses try to sell cheap goods at cheap prices in areas with a dense Latino population. These business never grow and they end up on the heap of “lo barato sale caro” (the cheap is expensive).


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