Latino High School Students In North Carolina Upset After Classmates Build Wall In Prank



Latino students at a western North Carolina high school are upset after some of their classmates decided to build a wall made of boxes that blocked access to a common area as part of a senior prank.
According News 13, about 30 students were allowed into school Wednesday night to perform the prank with a teacher supervising them. They then shared a photo on Instagram with them standing in front of it.
“We built the wall first,” the photo was captioned.
A student sitting front and center of the photo is wearing a “Trump” T-shirt.
According to school Principal Edwin Spivey, one of the students wanted to a put a Donald Trump logo on the wall, but was told he couldn’t do that.
The wall was taken down before classes began on Thursday, however, two Latino students met with the principal on Friday to talk about their concerns over the wall, the photo and what they said were racist comments that followed, News 13 reported.
Brian Oliver with the McDowell County School system said the students involved with the prank won’t face any disciplinary action, however called it “unfortunate.”
“It’s really unfortunate when anyone uses social media in an immature way,” Oliver told News 13. “Once you launch it, you have no control. Comments that are made after you post a photo can say anything they want, and you have no control over what that message becomes.”
He added: “In viewing the actual photo and what took place, there’s not anything offensive in the photo. There was no offensive activity at the time. What became offensive or concerning was what took place on social media afterwards. So, it’s hard for the school to have control or to take action against something that happened on social media that was outside school hours and outside any school network.”
Martha Guardian, one of the students who approached….
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