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This is the time of year when some students are thinking about spring break plans; however, for a select group of high-achieving computer science students, the decisions are less beer pong-related and instead about choosing the right lucrative internship that could pay upwards of $6,000 during the summer.
It should come as no surprise that the high-profile companies in dire need for a talented students to lead its next generation in the fast-paced environment of technology are:
• Facebook with an average intern salary of $6,056 for 750 students (average starting salary is $100,105)
• Google with an average intern salary of $5,678 for more than 1,000 students (average starting salary $113,100)
• Microsoft with an average intern salary of $5,936 for more than 1,200 students (average starting salary $90,594)
InternMatch Chief Marketing Officer Nathan Parcells told VOXXI the amazing internship opportunities – more than 5,000 this summer alone – are a direct result of fierce competition.
“What we’re seeing is there are not enough technologists out there to meet the demand,” Parcells said. “For the most part, you have the most high-paying salaries are in finance and business, and also in computer science. And computer science is where you see a lot of highest intern salaries.”
What’s happening with some of America’s top tech companies (Apple, IBM, Amazon, Intel, Cisco, et al.) is the need to attract topnotch talent before they graduate. Similar to an athlete getting a scholarship offer while still in high school, these college students are being groomed for full-time employment.
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