Immigrants Unite for National Day for Dignity and Respect


Immigrants and supporters marched, rallied and held events Saturday in support of the “National Day for Dignity and Respect,” a day aimed at putting immigration reform back in the spotlight.
Organizers confirmed thousands in more than 180 cities across the nation.
The events centered on opposition to militarization of borders, support for an immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship and an end to deportations and the division of families through deportations.
In North Carolina, several payer vigils were held.
In Winston Salem,  49  people attended, in Forest City 109 people attended, in Greensboro 58 people attended and in Durham 200 people attended the prayer vigil.
More than 200 people marched in Reno, Nev. Two U.S. Citizen were arrested for “non-violently blocking traffic to take a stand for immigrants and for their contributions to this country,” the organizers said. The two women have already been released.
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Photo:  Illinois People’s Action

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