How Does Affordable Care Act Affect College Students?


As the Affordable Care Act stumbles out of the gate, college students are naturally being affected but in different ways than the general public. Most notably is the fact the law does not reflect a major difference for the majority of young adults on college campuses across the nation. Oregon State University Executive Director of Student Health Services Jenny Haubenreiser tells VOXXI many universities previously required their students to have health insurance anyway.
“It’s to make sure all students have access to care so they’re not financially devastated by an accident or injury,” said Haubenreiser, who is also the American College Health Association’s immediate Past President. “That’s a part of the commitment to student success, that everybody has some level of coverage.”
Benefits of the college-health plan include close proximity for care, as well as the cost being added into student’s financial aid package.
“It’s interesting, the college health model is kind of what the Affordable Care Act is trying to do, provide primary care to the whole population and refer individual cases to specialists as a way to contain the cost,” Haubenreiser said.

How college students fit into the Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act ensures college health insurance programs must be held to the same standards as private insurances. This requires student plans to provide no-cost preventative screenings, prescription coverage and higher maximum coverage levels.
What’s changed with the Affordable Care Act is now college students have the option to stay on their parents’ policy until the age of 26.
“In some cases, the student plan is a better option because ….
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