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Hispanic Democrats are demanding that Hillary ClintonHillary Rodham ClintonTrump aide clarifies attack faulting Obama for Capt. Khan’s deathGlenn Beck: ‘Russia is trying to take down Hillary Clinton’Will the Never Trumpers ‘own’ ObamaCare if Clinton wins?MORE appoint Latinos to her administration in high-profile roles, as they look to move beyond their disappointment that she didn’t tap a Hispanic running mate.
Hispanic leaders had expressed high hopes that one of their own would make history this year after they helped President Obama win two presidential elections and tapped Clinton as the first female nominee from any major party.
“For the first time, we had two individuals that were really, adequately and strongly considered for vice president,” said former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson.
“I happen to think that they should’ve gotten it, but they didn’t.”
Richardson, a Mexican-American and former secretary of Energy, said the party has taken positive steps but that more still needs to be done to put Hispanics in positions of power.
Hispanic Dems have been among Clinton’s most fervent supporters in 2016 and in her failed 2008 bid.
And their support could be crucial in her general election battle with Donald TrumpDonald TrumpTrump aide clarifies attack faulting Obama for Capt. Khan’s deathAmerican Muslim Olympian: Trump’s words are ‘very dangerous’Lewandowski raises question of Obama’s birthplaceMORE. Hispanics are expected to be a key constituency in the battleground states of Florida, Colorado and Nevada, and to a lesser degree in Pennsylvania and Virginia.
Some, though, say Democrats have only given lip service to Latino advancement and that the Clinton camp needs to prove itself.
“Things are changing in a good way but there’s still a lot of talented Latinos that get passed over at lots of different levels,” said Chuck Rocha, president of Solidarity Strategies, the political strategy firm that worked on Bernie SandersBernie SandersGlenn Beck: ‘Russia is trying to take down Hillary Clinton’Dem party hack shows neither side is serious about cybersecurityTrump warns of voter fraud: People are going to vote 10 timesMORE presidential campaign.
While most leaders were reluctant to directly highlight specific snubs, current and former officials, activists and business leaders all argued Clinton’s cabinet should include more Latinos.
President Obama’s cabinet currently has three Hispanic members: Perez, Castro and Maria Contreras-Sweet, administrator of the Small Business Administration. Energy Secretary Ernest MonizErnest MonizHispanic Dems push Hillary for a seat at the tableEnergy Dept. helps with Biden’s cancer projectBay Area energy meeting is where climate protection gets realMORE is of Portuguese descent, but does not consider himself Hispanic.
“With the new administration, we’re going to be asking for at least four cabinet positions,” said Kenneth Romero-Cruz, executive director of the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators.
Romero-Cruz argued that for a cabinet to be “representational,” its composition should be proportional to the composition of the population as a whole.
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti sees a larger issue at hand, explaining that many Democrats still struggle to represent their Latino constituents.
“I think that we still have candidates who are really getting comfortable with the Latino community,” said Garcetti.
There are signs, though, that Latino politicians are
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