High Court Strikes Down Patents On Breast And Ovarian Cancer Genes


Dr. Ellen Matloff, Yale School of Medicine
Barbara Puffer
CT Health I-Team
According to the report, an additional analysis for these cancers known as BART (BRAC Analysis Rearrangement Test), is necessary to detect mutations, but is not always accessible – especially for Hispanics, who show in testing to be high risk.
The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision last week to invalidate a Utah company’s long-held patents on genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancer is expected to result in the test being more accessible to women, at a lower cost, experts say.
The court’s 9-0 decision comes four years after the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of 20 named plaintiffs, including Ellen Matloff, director, Cancer Genetic Counseling at the Yale Cancer Center, filed a lawsuit charging that the patents held by Myriad Genetics of Utah on the DNA of two genes, known as BRCA1 and BRCA2, is unconstitutional and should be ruled invalid.
Read the full story here.
The CT Health I-Team is a media partner of CtLatinoNews.com.

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