Half-Latino, Veteran Son Of Jeb Bush Could Challenge Rubio


George P. Bush, the 36-year-old half-Mexican son of former Flordia Governor Jeb Bush and nephew of President George W. Bush, wants to be the third member of the Bush political dynasty to make a name for himself in Texas. He could potentially be a national opponent to U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, another high-profile GOP Latino.
The young Bush is a Navy reserve officer, real estate investor and lawyer. He is chair of the Hispanic Republicans of Texas and the Maverick political action committee, and he is deputy finance chair for the Republican Party of Texas. He also served a nine-month tour of duty in Afghanistan.
Jeb Bush has asked his former donors to help his son get established in politics in the Lone Star state, according to a recent article in businessinsider.com. George P. Bush’s uncle, George W. Bush, was Texas governor before clinching a win for the White House in 2000. His grandfather, former president George H.W. Bush, began his political career as a congressman in Texas.
George P.’s first political bid will be the office of Land Commissioner, a powerful position that oversees mineral rights in the traditionally oil-rich state. The position also includes overseeing state-owned land and commercial real estate, veterans affairs and historic archives.
“While the election is in 2014, it is important to show early financial support, particularly in a state as big as Texas,” Jeb Bush wrote in a letter to supporters published by the Tampa Bay Times. Jeb Bush is considered a possible candidate for the 2016 presidential race.
George P. Bush could be an attractive candidate due to the quickly changing demographics of the U.S. electorate. His mother was born in Mexico and he speaks fluent Spanish. After 27 percent of Latinos voted for failed Republican White House candidate Mitt Romney, the GOP is looking for candidates that would appeal to Latinos, the fastest growing minority population in the country.