Four Latinos Will Compete at Trinity College Fencing Classic


Trinity College continues its long tradition of hosting the Trinity College Fencing Classic; it is a Mixed Open tournament in the 3-weapons Foil, Epee and Sabre that takes place this Saturday, Dec. 1, starting at 9 a.m., Ferris Athletic Center- Unit D 300 Summit Street, Hartford.
Fencing Master Juan Carlos Changanaqui, originally from Peru, has been the Trinity Fencing Coach for the past four years. And he has always encouraged and recruited Latinos to take up the sport.
This year four Latino athletes will be competing: Paul Canal, Alejandro Changanaqui, Andres Friebus and Michelle Gomez. Parents that are looking for sports for their children to participate in are encouraged to come and watch the sport in action.
Fencing provides a unique mix of physical, intellectual and emotional stimulation. It is also a perfect cardiovascular exercise helps develop muscle strength and flexibility. Fencing is also a workout of the mind, as it requires outwitting the opponent in a split second. Another benefit is that it promotes self-esteem, responsibility and discipline.
For more information call: 860-971-6077

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