Facebook Focuses Its Attention On Latin America


Facebook is making a large push to succeed in Latin America.  As it announced last week, the  social network will move its Vice President for Latin America, Alejandre Hohagen, to its Miami office from Brazil. According to a study conducted by eMarketer, Latin America will add nearly “100 million people to its social network user audience between now and the end of 2017.”

“We (Latin America) have had an important role in the growth of those company results,” states Hohagen to Reuters, “and we are still far from the ceiling. We are a region of 600 million people where 250 million people have still never connected to the Internet.”

U.S Hispanics overindex in “Facebooking” compared to the general market. Of the 23 million people in Facebook’s “U.S Hispanic affinity cluster,” 69% were active on Facebook for 6 out of the last 7 days in comparison to 62% for the U.S population. What will be key for Facebook is the ability to cater to the many different demographics that exist within the region.

“Businesses need to constantly think differently on how to connect with all of the people that matter, across all consumer demographics,” announced a Facebook associate earlier last week.

Latinos love social media and it is a strong move for Facebook to forward their attention to the Latin American market
To read more about Hispanics and marketing: http://reachhispanic.com/2013/11/26/facebook-focuses-on-reach-to-latin-america/
Photo: Hispanicreach.com

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