Espanglish Now Espoken in España


Now when you go to Spain, feel free to speak Espanglish because it’s become an official part of the language.
At least it has in Spain’s Dictionary Of The Royal Academy Of The Spanish Language, (DRAE) according to an article in the Latin American Herald Tribune. The article said, “[It is] an example of the contributions of Spanish-speakers in the United States to the Spanish language, the North American Academy of the Spanish Language said.”
The 2014 edition of the DRAE will define espanglish as “a form of speech used by some Hispanic groups in the United States, in which they mix deformed elements of vocabulary and grammar from both Spanish and English,” according to the article.
The North American Academy of the Spanish Language is a nonprofit, apolitical organization with the stated purpose to promote the unity of, and defend, the Spanish language. Comprising the North American Academy are creative people who include linguists, lexicographers, essayists, scientific researchers, Spanish language historians, translators and a steadily growing number of scientists and technicians in various fields.
Academy director Gerardo Piña-Rosales said in the article the fact that United-Statesisms appear in the DRAE for the first time represents a victory for his institution. “By now I think we can refer to a Spanish of the United States,” he said. “This form of speech – which has nothing to do with so-called espanglish – is just one more dialect, neither better nor worse though without a doubt more complex than those used in Spanish-speaking countries.”
The Huffington Post Latino has a humorous description of the heritage of Espanglish. “The bilingual community has been using “Espanglish” since Latino parents stepped onto U.S. soil and said, “¡Mira, do your homework, o te voy a castigar!’”