Entrepreneur And Visionary Giving Voice To Latinas In Tech



You know that feeling you get when you meet someone who is so bold and has so much gumption that you just want to bottle it up so you can take a swig whenever you need a little boost? This is how I felt when I spoke with Deldelp Medina. Co-founder of Avion Ventures, Deldelp is helping Latinas all over the country bring their useful and often revolutionary ideas to market. And she’s doing it with such passion that I wanted to introduce you to her and the great work she is doing in the world.
I recently spoke with Deldelp to find out about key decisions she’s made in her life, her career path, and what advice she has for young Latina women who are ready to make their mark.
What do you do?
Our company Avion Ventures runs a pre-accelerator for Latinas in the mobile space. That means that if you’re a Latina and you’re already making something or you already have a platform and you want to create a mobile app, I can help you. Let me rephrase that, I WANT to help you.
It is an eight-week program that consists of two weeks in San Francisco (we pay for your housing and food while you’re there) and then it’s four-and-a-half weeks back home, and we finish up with a week-and-a-half back in San Francisco. In exchange for that we ask for 3% equity. One of the things that we also provide is mentorship, a key component of our proven curriculum that has already accelerated over three hundred businesses, connections and opportunities.
I’m also in the process of raising a fund that would actually be able to give cash on hand. Hopefully I’ll be able to announce something around that soon.
I’m really excited to be able to invest in Latinas. The fact is, Latinas are starting businesses at six times the rate of any other group in the United States, which means that not only do we have a desire to change our path but we are also backed by a culture that wants us to be successful. The challenge is that we don’t always have the tools and/or the know how to actually get our ideas off the ground. And that’s not okay with me because one of the things that I’m really, really clear about is we are the future owners of this country, yet we aren’t….
To read full story: http://latinalista.com/columns/blogbeat-columns/entrepreneur-visionary-giving-a-voice-to-latinas-in-tech

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