Elections Enforcement Commission Eying Ayalas for Possible Violations

State Rep.-elect Christina Ayala
The State Elections Enforcement Commission has opened up a potential voter fraud investigation regarding state Rep.-elect Christina Ayala and her mother, Bridgeport Democratic Registrar Santa “Sandi” Ayala.
The Connecticut Post is reporting,”The Elections Enforcement Commission Wednesday decided valid questions have been raised about whether Christina Ayala has been living in the 128th House District she will represent in the General Assembly. She has already been warned by incoming House Speaker Brendan Sharkey, D-Hamden, that under state law she has until that date to move into her district.”
The article reported that Christine Ayala stated in Bridgeport Superior Court last week that she is living on Noble Street, which is in the 128th House District.
The article adds, “The EEC also wants to know whether her mother, Santa Ayala, who should reasonably have known of her daughter’s living situation, failed as registrar to maintain an accurate record on her daughter.”
Christine Ayala has received a lot of notoriety after being charged for a hit-and-run accident in August, shortly after winning the Democratic nomination in a primary, and then being arrested for a domestic dispute with her boyfriend earlier this month. She told police she was living in the home with her boyfriend, even though it is located in the 129th House District and she voted in and was elected from the 128th House District.
The state Elections Enforcement Commission initiated the probe after reading widespread news reports on the incident.

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