Election Watch: Stamford and New London



The November 5th election is drawing near and around the state a number of Latinos are vying for elected positions. Over the next few days CTLatinoNews.com is presenting a series on Latino candidates running for seats on city councils or their equivalent. We invited all candidates for those seats to answer a set of questions, we are publishing those we received. We do invite all candidates for all seats to post their information on our our Facebook page – CT Latino News.
Today, we present two candidates from Stamford – Matthew Quinones and Anabel Figueroa – where nearly 25% of the city’s residents are Latinos, and one from New London – Efrain Dominquez – where Latinos make up nearly  30% of the city’s population.


Matthew Quinones, Democrate Candidate for Stamford Board of Representatives
Matthew Quinones
What position are you running for and why?
I’m running for the Board of Representatives in Stamford, CT’s 16th District. I’m hoping if elected to be a champion for education. Too many students in Stamford are graduating from high school ill prepared to take college level courses or enter the workforce. I hope as a representative of the 16th district to work to ensure the schools in Stamford are receiving the resources they need to accomplish the task of adequately educating our youth.
What do you think is the key issue for a candidate in this election?
I believe the local economy of Stamford is a key issue that all candidates should address when speaking with potential voters. While a corporate presence is Stamford is a key component of our local economy, I believe it will be the success of small business that will lead to a growth in job opportunities for our residents. This will expand the city’s tax base allowing elected officials to reduce the large tax burden imposed on our residents. I would like to see more of an emphasis on supporting small business through tax incentives.
Why do you think you are the most qualified candidate?
I was born and raised in Stamford, CT and attended Stamford’s public schools and the University of Connecticut where I received the Family Studies Departmental Award for my work with the Stamford Public Schools.
I have worked for the Stamford Public Education Foundation as the Senior Program Director since 2009. In 2010, I founded the Stamford Mentoring Program which serves over 250 of the city’s middle and high school students. I have also been a soldier in the CT Army National Guard since 2009. I’m currently serving as a 2nd lieutenant representing the Adjutant General branch for the 102nd Infantry Regiment. My service has led to several Certificates of Achievement and an Army Achievement Medal.
I have been an active leader in the community and will work to improve the city’s efficiency while striving for a more transparent government.
Anabel Figueroa, Candidate for Re-Election to Board of Representatives, Stamford
Photo: Stamfordadvocate.com
Anabel Figueroa 
 What position are you running for and why?
I am running for the Board of Representatives for a Fourth term. I am doing it because i love representing  my District, the City and my community,  a community where we are growing at a very high speed.
What do you think is the key issue for a candidate in this election? 
The key issue for any candidate in this or any other election is being able to identify the needs and concerns of the community as well as learning or knowing how to communicate with every constituent one represents.
Why do you think you are the most qualified candidate?
I strongly believe that I am the most qualified candidate because i own the qualities that a good Elected Official should have which are Honesty, Loyalty, being fiscally responsible and most important to develop a good relationship/communication with those who help us to get elected.

New London

Efrain Dominquez, Democrat Candidate for New London City Council
Efrain Dominguez 
Editor’s Note: Mr. Dominquez did not answer questions submitted by CTLatinoNews.com, he sent this information in its place. 
My name is Efrain Dominquez and I would like to outline the reasons of why I am running for a seat on the New London City Council. First and foremost I feel New London is a great community to live in. I have lived in New London for 33 years and my community involvement has helped to shape me to understand the needs of our city and its residents. I have been involved in many activities in the city, some dealing with the youth of New London. I have coached high school wrestling, been a mentor to teenagers who are at risk, coached many youth sports and presently I’m serving on the Water and Water Pollution Control Authority. I am very proud to say I was educated in the New London school system and furthered my education by graduating from Eastern Connecticut State University. I have been employed for the past 10 years by the New London public schools. I believe I am the most qualified candidate because if elected I would work tirelessly to be sure our children have the tools for a quality education, I would work to attract small businesses to help grow our tax base and bring jobs to New London. My goal is to create a city where people who come to visit will make it their home, decide to raise their children, and become residents. I feel attracting people to New London is one of the few steps we can take to help us grow our city.
Editor’s Note: Monday, Candidates from Bridgeport and Waterbury 

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