Donations Sought for Journalists of Tomorrow — Many of Them Latinos


The Connecticut Health I-Team, a non-profit news service that seeks to empower healthcare consumers and educate the next generation of young watchdog journalists, is looking for help in underwriting scholarships for its 2013 summer camp participants. Many students attending the camp are from New Haven and Hartford schools, several of whom are young Latinos, who need help covering the costs of tuition, room and board. The camps, in their third year at UConn and Quinnipiac University, give select high school students a crash course in writing and researching skills, and they will be taught by award-winning journalists from around Connecticut. To learn more about the camps, go to the C-HIT website — — and click on “school programs”; to donate, click “Donate Now.” The cost per student is $800 but a tax-deductible donation of any amount is greatly appreciated.

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