Dominicans Sending Largest Percentage Of Their Income To Home Country

Credit: Wikimedia
Among the immigrants who earn the least money in the United States, Dominicans are those who send the largest percentage of their earnings back to their home country, according to Manuel Orozco, a scholar with Inter-American Dialogue.
Among migrants earning $25,000 a year or less, those coming from the Dominican Republic set aside an average of 19 percent of their pay to send home in the form of remittances.
This means that if, for example, a Dominican immigrant earns $25,000, he sends $4,750 back to his country.
“Dominicans are a low-income Latino population in the United States. They live in an expensive area in New York, and so they have a high cost of living with low earnings,” Orozco said.
Ninety percent of undocumented workers receive annual salaries of $25,000 or less and send home 11 percent of that, on average.
Those immigrants who have work permits whose income is less than $25,000 per year send an average of 13 percent of their earnings home.
Meanwhile, permanent residents with annual incomes of $25,000 or less send home 19 percent.
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