Nelson J. Rodriguez, MBA
By Nelson J. Rodriguez, MBA
Food for thought: What does your ideal career look like? Is it doing something you love? Making a good living, while helping to make a real difference in the lives of others? An opportunity to do that does exist, so maybe it’s time for you to take a look at what’s out there.
Life insurance professionals have challenging careers that may offer all of the above, as well as a market brimming with opportunity. More and more women are recognizing this, and seizing the chance to join the industry.
Take Carrie Hall for example. A Scottsdale, Arizona-based Agent with New York Life Insurance Company, she is living proof that you don’t have to compromise anything for a rewarding career.
She explains what attracted her to the industry, “I liked the fact that I would be in control of my success and that no one could put a limit on my earning potential. If I wanted to dream big dreams, and had the courage and discipline to pursue those dreams, I could achieve them.”
So she signed on. With over 20 years as a Life insurance Agent, and a highly successful Financial Adviser, as well as a Registered Representative, Ms. Hall feels as if she has earned the privilege to set her own schedule, giving her time to spend with her two children.
Beyond growth and flexibility, a career in insurance also presents an opportunity to make a significant difference in the lives of your clients and the people in your community. “I maintain a small practice, which allows me to focus on my clients. I really act as an advocate for them,” Ms. Hall emphasizes. “I believe that the level of sincerity and integrity we bring to the table is what sets us apart from others and our clients have responded with trust and gratitude.”
The Need for Financial Guidance
One of the things the economic crisis has shown us is that people are looking for, and in need of, financial guidance. Most people want to provide better financial protection for their families and loved ones, but the results of’s 2011 Financial Security Index tell a different story. According to those polled:
- Nearly one out of four Americans, or 23 percent, have greater credit card debt than savings;
- One out of three people ages 30 to 49 had higher debt than savings;
- Only 15 percent of people are more comfortable with their savings now than compared to 12 months ago.
Bankrate’s Financial Security Index also reveals that roughly 75 million Americans have no financial cushion at all when hard times hit, and another fifth of Americans say their savings would run out in 12 weeks or less if they had to live on it. The numbers are sobering and the fact is clear: people need financial guidance, and the need for highly-trained Life insurance Agents has never been greater.
So if you’re ready to embark on something new, consider a career as a Life insurance professional. You might just be surprised by what it has to offer you. Check out New York Life’s website for more information on successful women in life insurance.
This educational third-party article is being provided as a courtesy by Nelson J. Rodriguez, MBA. For additional information on the topic(s) discussed, please contact him at (860) 298-1053. Neither New York Life, nor its agents, provides tax, legal or accounting advice. Please consult your own tax, legal or accounting professional before making any decisions.